Most folks never really care to know what poverty is actually like, or what causes it. It's not until you've really been down and out do most folks come to realize that so many of the things they once believed about poverty, are dead wrong. So many myths and stereotypes destroyed, but not for the better. This blog is a voice for the disenfranchised, for the forgotten and the voiceless. To dispel the myths and to share the stories that go untold.
But this isn't just about complaining about poverty, it is also meant as an educational tool for those who really don't know and who might very well one day find themselves wishing they had paid attention a lot sooner. Poverty is not a choice, poverty holds no bias. It will prey on anyone, regardless of who you are, where you come from, how hard you work, how much money you have today, how well you have planned, how educated you are, who you know, etcetera, etcetera. You can never know when it might come for you, or what the circumstances might be. You can not plan enough ways to prevent it and avoid it. All you can do is learn how to cope, if the time does come. By knowing the truth, the real facts, it will make it that much easier to survive it.
Indeed, many people who suddenly slip into poverty are driven to suicide or other desperate, destructive behavior when faced with the bleak reality of their predicament. Not so much though because of the situation they are in, but because they are eaten alive by their own ego, guilt, self-loathing. They simply cannot accept how wrong they were in believing that poverty would never happen to them, along with all the false things they once believed.
It is our intention to educate you now, before the time comes, in order to help you better cope should you too find yourself going hungry, without medical care, or a place to sleep. And of course, it is also our intention to bring together those who are living in poverty right now, and trying to cope.
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