Friday, July 22, 2011

Do you qualify for foodstamps?

I used this helpful tool myself when I lost my job and was having a hard time finding enough food through local foodbanks. Find out if you qualify for "food stamps" or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP).

And DON'T let anyone shame you for it! The truth about where money for food-stamps comes from is a convoluted mess that most people will simply never understand. It is simply easier for the working stiff to blame the victims of failed economic policy, rather than addressing the policy itself. Safer to blame poor people for being poor. But here's the short, short version. Taxpayers do not pay for welfare. Foodstamps are issued and controlled by J.P.Morgan/Chase, not the government. Also keep in mind, that the people complaining the loudest today that you are getting foodstamps, will probably be the same people who need foostamps in a short time if this trend continues.

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